Good evening. As president of Save Our Schools, considering a name change to Save Our Students, Faculty and Staff, my intention is to clarify some issues. It is not just frustrating that SOS are considered adversaries; it is disrespect for a group of community leaders who have met for the past three years monthly to discuss how our students can best be served. Professionals in their own right that have volunteered in the district, two for over 20 years, one for 10 years, and others for less than ten. I have been involved for 17 years since my retirement. My first connection was a postilion paper to then board president James Atherton, 2001, it is a fact that I have high regard and respect for the Atherton family and expect no less from Mark. In addition a proposal for an alternative program for students at risk, presented to Superintendent Jeff Namey.
I have been told that our negative image is the result of our negative presentations at board meetings, in the news media and social media. I cannot deny that perception, but SOS are not cheerleaders, we are an avenue of reason by doing extensive research on quality education factors. I have a research degree and can attest that the research done by Dr. Mark Schiowitz, Debbie Orlando Formola, Bob Holden, Robin Shudak, and the Borland’s has been extensive. The alternate plan is very close to one written by Rev. Walker. Both the Schiowitz plan and the Walker plan mirror the scholarly research, PFM study, and the board’s team’s half million dollars facility study. Both plans can save the taxpayers nearly a hundred million dollars. The selection of a 78-acre unlined coal ash dump, un-reclaimed, isolated from neighborhoods and paying far more than the assessed value was irresponsible. I submit that ignoring the research, your own studies and board members, called for some negative feed back.
Not following your own mission statement that proclaims collaboration with the community, in line with a state mandate to collaborate has been very costly for the taxpayers spending millions that can’t be recovered. Most blatant ignored was a call by Vice President Walker in an action item seconded I believe by Katsock, to have a moratorium on construction and spending for the purpose of gathering more information. Check the date of that request and the money wasted after the item failed. It was defeated by the statement by Caffery, “we have done enough studies;” How’s that worked Joe. However I agree that enough studies were done if only the board followed the recommendations. I took it personally being ignored, until I reflected on ignoring your own studies, your own board member; refusing a free presentation by an international master planning and facility expert; refusing a free presentation by an award winning school restoration firm. Most harmful is ignoring your own board members who are blind-sided by board actions that they learned by reading it in the newspaper or at the night of the board meeting.
I close with an offer, a book that the board majority will not agree with; at least this majority; it was written by school district resident and taxpayer Brian Kelly. I have purchased copies for the board, who is interested in a free copy now? If this board truly wants to do what is right for the children, they will take into account differing views.