Insights Regarding WB Area School District Superintendent
These insights are about the WBASD Superintendent
Submitted by Guest
An expression of concern? A silent prayer? Should be an amalgamation of both. Let's say "consolidation" of both? To add to academic demise the by-product of consolidation, he is fully supporting placing a public school on a coal ash dump; the first in the state and maybe the nation. As the educational leader evaluating the "State of the District," his first public presentation at a board meeting, slides and all, was to meet the educational, financial and facility catastrophes, was to build a football stadium in Plains Township, and teach students to sing and dance; Preforming Arts Program. The plan he supported to forward to the Pa. Dept. of Education omitted a complete high school that enrolled the most economically distressed and minority students. NAACP Executive Director blasted the school board for voting for a plan (7 yea's, 2 nay's) that segregated eight hundred students from the "New School." At the zoning hearing, under oath he said the GAR students would not be included in the new school consolidation. A display of complete arrogance was to have the vote to omit the students at the very high school omitted; done while the students sang their alma mater. Professionalism? Had to be gaveled out of order at the zoning hearing for a childish outburst. Failure of the city's zoning approvals led to his threat, "if the city doesn't want us we will move out of the city," made to the mayor and Save Our Schools Board; he followed through with the threat to the determent of economically distressed students, and a troubled city. In a meeting attended by a community leader he made the statement, I can't wait for Meyers to be demolished; a restorable community cornerstone, historic and architecturally significant. He is the first in the history of the district to be appointed superintendent at the maximum salary, ignoring the traditional novice three-year contract with a five-year contract, with never holding at least the assistant superintendent's position. He does not reside in the district; his children and taxes go to the Crestwood School District.